The yearning for fried radish cake is overwhelming again but the problem is in getting fresh radish. The kind available here is of a smaller version but hey, that will have to do. Beggars cannot be choosers. A radish is a radish regardless of the shape and size.
I have never cooked and am not exactly keen on the white version of radish cake but hmmmmmmm, why ever not try experimenting?
I am trying to reproduce this from memory so please advice if I am wrong. Many thanks.
1. Cooked radish cake, portion for one, sliced lengthwise.
2. Three pieces preserved radish or more, depending on taste, chopped into small pieces.
3. One egg beaten well with a teaspoon of water.
4. One stalk of spring onion, finely sliced.
5. Two cloves of garlic, roughly sliced.
6. Three tablespoons of lard, onion oil or oil of your choice.
7. Eight pieces of medium sized cooked prawns, more/less according to taste.
1. Medium heat, when pan is hot, add lard, when lard is hot, add sliced up white radish cake.
2. When it's heated through (and optionally cut up into smaller pieces in the pan), push to side of pan. Add preserved radish and when preserved radish starts to 'pop' around, add garlic. When garlic is aromatic without browning, mix mixture well together.
3. Increase heat, add prawns to fried radish cake, stir well and pour egg over mixture. Leave it for a few seconds before flipping cake over. You may need to add more oil around edges of mixture before flipping over. Let mixture set for a few seconds.
4. Garnish with sliced spring onions and serve hot.
Note: No seasoning added as the preserved radish I have in stock was very salty.