It's a novelty to find long purple egg plants here so the decision whether or not to buy does not come into the equation.
1. One kilo of egg plants, rinsed, and sliced lengthwise or to desired shapes.
Ingredients 'A'
1. One teaspoon Szechuan peppercorn crushed and fried gently without oil till aromatic. (Optional)
2. Three tablespoons oil or more of your choice.
3. One garlic, two slices of fresh ginger and one shallot - roughly chopped.
4. White parts of spring onion – sliced. Set aside green parts for garnishing.
Ingredient 'B'
1. Four tablespoons of yellow bean paste or more, depending on taste
Ingredients 'C'
1. Dash of fish or light soya sauce
2. Dash of black soya sauce for colour - optional
3. Quarter cup of water
Ingredients 'D'
1. Half a tablespoon of corn/potato flour mixed with two tablespoons of water
Ingredients 'E'
1. One tablespoon of black vinegar
2. Dash of sesame oil
Garnish with toasted sesame seed - Optional
1. First of all, bring a pot of water to a boil before slicing egg plants. This is to prevent egg plants from discolouring. Height of water level is just sufficient to cover the egg plants. Determine level from the amount of egg plants to be cooked.
2. Blanch for about a minute or longer depending on thickness of cut. Do not overcook. Drain and rinse egg plants and leave in colander till they are completely cold.
3. Heat wok till smoking, add oil, and when oil is smoking, add Ingredients 'A'. Fry till aromatic. It takes less than a few seconds.
4. Add Ingredient 'B', stir for a few seconds then add the egg plants. Mix well.
5. Mix Ingredients 'C' well, and add into egg plants slowly, stirring all the time for about a minute over very high heat.
6. Add Ingredient 'D' stir gently without breaking egg plants.
7. Add Ingredients 'E' and green parts of spring onions, mix well before serving.
Note: It takes less than five minutes to cook once the egg plants are ready for cooking.