Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Bitter Gourd with Prawns


Hungrybear said...

Am having problems juggling the fotos around thus have not typed in the recipe. Please bear with me. Thanks.

Versaccio said...

Hi, what a great plate!
You got a interesting blog!
Please, if it doesn't make you annoyed, take a look of my blog, and if you have some problems, ask me, I'll help you solving.

see ya

Anonymous said...

Hmm I know, hb! Why don't you put the photos into a slideshow (like slide.com or photobucket/flickr etc.) and embed it? Not only will it be in order, it becomes more "animated"! Just a suggestion! ;)

Rexic (:

Hungrybear said...

Howdy Belli, thanks for your feedback. What is your email address please?
Ooooooooooo Rexic, you atta girl. Muahhhhhhhhhhh. Now I have to play around with it again. Haizz, the jumping screen is not helping either. Kum sia kum sia.